If you’re thinking about investing in property and wondered whether a Property Investment Company may be the way forward, read on.
With self-assessment deadlines upon us, it’s a busy time of year for accountants all over the country and the same is certainly true for the property tax experts here at UK Landlord Tax.
We’ve got a commitment to demystify tax for landlords and know that some of our clients find the technical language confusing. So here it is, explained.
Thandi Nicholls Ltd
Creative Industries Centre
Glaisher Drive
West Midlands
WV10 9TG
UKLandlordTax.co.uk is the trading name of Thandi Nicholls Ltd Accountants Registered Office: Creative Industries Centre, Glaisher Drive, Wolverhampton WV10 9TG.
Registered in England. Company Number 7319439. Director S S Thandi BA