A Confirmation Statement (which replaces the Annual Return) is a snapshot of your company’s general information including directors, shareholders, controlling parties, SIC, company type, office address and more.
A Confirmation Statement should be submitted to Companies House annually and needs to be submitted within 28 days of the anniversary of when the company was incorporated, so if the company was incorporated on 18th December 2020, the date that the next confirmation statement will be made up to is the 18th December 2022 and will be due by 15th January 2023.
A Confirmation Statement should include: details of the directors and company secretary, what your company does – including its SIC codes, the type of company it is, the registered company address, the ‘single alternative inspection location’, shareholders and shareholdings and details of controlling parties.
There is a charge of £13 (online) or £40 (paper copy) to submit this form to Companies House. There is no late fine fee but if you consistently file late you can be fined up to £5,000. If you don’t deliver the company’s confirmation statement, the registrar might assume the company isn’t carrying on business or in operation any longer and take steps to strike it from the register.
© Thandi Nicholls Ltd 2023 All Rights Reserved – The above articles are provided for guidance only and may not cover your personal circumstances so you should not rely on them. It is important that you seek appropriate professional advice which takes into account your personal circumstances where you can provide the full facts of the case and all documents related to your case. Thandi Nicholls Ltd t/a uklandlordtax.co.uk, S Thandi or M S Bains cannot be held responsible for the consequences of any action or the consequences of deciding not to act.
Thandi Nicholls Ltd
Creative Industries Centre
Glaisher Drive
West Midlands
WV10 9TG
UKLandlordTax.co.uk is the trading name of Thandi Nicholls Ltd Accountants Registered Office: Creative Industries Centre, Glaisher Drive, Wolverhampton WV10 9TG.
Registered in England. Company Number 7319439. Director S S Thandi BA